Monday 28 September 2009

ALT-C Day two - afternoon

This is my final post for ALT-C and slightly delayed due to a busy return to my day job. Plus I have blogged about the best bits of ALT-C already. This post is really just for completion sake.

Most of the afternoon of Wednesday wasn't really that inspiring or useful to me. I went to three short papers on Tools for building a research culture, but they didn't really tell me anything new.

Then I attending Redesigning design but unfortunately one of the speaker was cancelled, but this did mean and earlier train. The session I did hear was by George Veletsianos which was about adventure learning. This was an interesting insight into different ways of teaching, where students when on polar expeditions. They experienced the world they were learning about. The challenge is how to bring this adventure learning into the classroom. The key points George made was the you need to:
  • Define the activity/topic
  • Identify and expert/topic to engage with
  • Develop interactions with the expert
  • Explore the topic (blogs etc)
  • Share and collaborate with each other

He said students are interested in the world not in you delivery of how the world is.

This was a positive end to my time at ALT-C as I was unable to attend the final day.

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